You know you work at a hotel when you have dealt with any or all of the following situations…on a daily basis. If so, congratulations, you are a hotel employee. Now let’s laugh at these shenanigans that we call our career!
When you ask a guest what room they’re in and they tell you a room number that doesn’t exist in your hotel

When a guest tries to cancel and you tell them they have to go through Expedia because it’s prepaid so they have to go through them to cancel and they say, “That’s impossible! I booked directly with you guys!”

When a guest says they’ve never heard of a hotel putting a hold on a credit card

Guest: I can’t believe you’re sold out! I really need a room. Why are you guys so busy that day?!
Me : There’s a huge concert taking place in the city
Guest: Well that’s what I’m coming for
Me :
When a guest claims that they were told by the person who they made their reservation that they were never told that there was an extra charge for parking – and you were the one that made their reservation

When someone is reading their credit card to you…like incredibly slowly….like one number every 30 seconds…

When you’re making a reservation and you ask for an address and they come back with, “whose address do you need?” I DUNNO…YOUR GREAT GRANDPA’S ADDRESS!? I DON’T CARE, JUST GIVE ME A NUMBER AND A MADE UP STREET NAME FOR ALL I CARE!

When it’s 9am and you’re day is already shot to hell

When you get in a fight with your girlfriend, your grandma is in the hospital, you got a write up for being late, and 5 minutes before the end of your shift, a guest wants to get confrontational with you because he didn’t get a blanket he called for last night

When a guest complains because they didn’t know the hotel was in the suburbs and they didn’t know breakfast cost money and internet wasn’t free and there wouldn’t be a view of the ocean…

When your’re having a great day at work and then you realize that two tour buses full of guests who weren’t supposed to show up until 8 pm arrived 4 hours early.

When a guest asks you for the group rate when they booked on the day of arrival

When a guest tells you that you were rude and unhelpful

Inspection day at the hotel

When a guest spends 10 minutes complaining about stupid crap and then they finish with, “I’m not looking for compensation…”

When some random person asks you what room the VIP staying at your hotel is in

Guest: Hi I was overcharged by your hotel
Me: How much was the charge for?
Guest: I can’t remember:
Hotel stories as told my my inner monologue, Spike